October 7, 2011

For your perusal

Fall has come and I've nothing to show for it, at least in terms of baking. Or photographs. What I'm really finding is that I'm not so good at chronicling things on this blog. Unfortunately, my laptop is out of service and may be for some time, if not indefinitely, so my access to a computer and the internet is somewhat limited, at least compared to my frequent use of both before it decided to die on me. This being without my own computer is not fun, even if it does force me to make some sort of use out of the time I would otherwise be spending online. Losing all of my documents and pictures doesn't help, either. Oh, the joys of technology. I guess what I'm trying to say is that posting will continue to be infrequent for the next few (or several) months, as it kind of already has been.

On to more happy news, my oldest brother and his wife are expecting their first child, which also happens to be the first grandchild for my parents. As excited as I am at the prospect of having a nephew to read to and buy cute clothes for, I haven't quite come to terms with thinking of my parents as being grandparents. Ah well. I'll get used to it eventually. We're hosting a rather large baby shower for my sister-in-law tomorrow, for which I turned this recipe into cupcakes, because, you know, chocolate is never amiss among a gathering of women.

As for the rest of the weekend, I'm thinking about cooking up a batch of butternut squash soup in addition to the barmbrack Michael and I are planning on baking Sunday afternoon, which sounds just about right for some of the first cool evenings of the season. Have a happy weekend and here are some links for your perusal-

The dance photography project -- another ballet inspired photography blog.

I love a good book cover.

All about cheese--the aging process, that is.

In continuation with the horse trend: Tony Stromberg, one of my favorite photographers, and horse bookends.

The Apple Lover's Cookbook -- the name says it all.

Pasta with bacon, rosemary, and cherry tomatoes.

Great idea: bag-o-black leggings.

If only I were in London, I'd go to this exhibit (among other things): Degas and the Ballet.

Sweet letterpress notecards just to say hello.

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