My name is Hannah, and this blog is about baking, mostly, and anything else I may be inclined to post. I love to bake and find it therapeutic -- the process clears my mind, takes it away to a soothing place, and allows me to focus solely on what's being crafted with my hands . . . most of the time. Here, I chronicle some of my ventures in the kitchen, my experiments with recipes, and how much you should enjoy eating said food.
If you have any questions about the recipes, please leave them in the comments section below each post, and I will answer them with the best of my ability.
Notes on ingredients:
-I always use unbleached flour. Always. Although each recipe isn't consistent in stating that, it nevertheless is the case.
-I also always use aluminum-free baking powder. It makes me feel better to use it.
-When using produce, I try to bake with each type only as they come into season. That only makes sense to me, because fruits and vegetables taste best when in season. That being said, there are some things that are only imported (bananas, for instance), which can be used anytime. Eureka lemons and your average lime are produced practically year round, so I use them all the time.
Favorite foods, etc.:
-Fresh fruit, especially sweet-tart apples, blueberries, nectarines, and Asian pears (which I don't get enough of), butternut squash, cheese (lots of cheese), dark chocolate, Thai food, almost any type of soup, chicken sausage with Dijon mustard, homemade waffles, braised kale, simple French dishes, and toast with salty butter.
-Also, lattes, especially from Blue Bottle, and black tea, Yorkshire or afternoon, with milk.